The challenge with almost all Content is that it is

Misaligned with the intended audience:

that is why it doesn’t generate as much of the Interest & Conversations that you want …

So when I am asked what I do: that is the essence:

I help you effectively align your Content (Spoken & Written) with Your Audience so that you get the Conversation you want:

Content Creates Conversation (LinkedIn Maxim No. 69)

Conversation Convert Clients (LinkedIn Maxim No 70)

Paul Ashley Jensen

The LinkedIn Strategist


LinkedIn can use you or you can use LinkedIn?

I am focused on helping my audience understand the difference and in so doing being on Purpose with their time on LinkedIn.

In my experience to date the truth about LinkedIn is this:
Trap #1: Thinking LinkedIn is designed for you: at best a few of us are part of the entertainment and almost all of us are just part of the Noise (LinkedIn is the biggest business networking event on the globe against the backdrop of the hunger games)

Trap #2: Too many of us spend most of our time on LinkedIn largely talking to ourselves

Trap #3: on LinkedIn is the temptation to loose yourself in the apparent ease with which you can reach so many instead of focusing on how effectively you can reach the few (The LinkedIn Lure)

Trap #4: Not everyone will like you or follow you or do business with you: in fact most people won’t. Are you okay with that?

If your primary measure of success on LinkedIn is in accumulating:
– Connections
– Views

Then I am probably not the right LinkedIn Strategist for you to work with!

We are focused on helping you find valuable clients and network connections based on our key strategy of focusing on Content, Conversations and Clients using #TheFOLLOWingStrategy

The essential actions you need to master for your success on LinkedIn are:
(1) Content: Develop your own high value content
(2) Targeted: Targeted to a specific audience which
(3) Share: You effectively share to
(4) Conversations; Encourage mutually beneficial conversations that allow you to
(5) Convert: Convert your audience into your clients / your connections